Study Week IWRW 2024

Scadenza: 01.07.2024, 23:59

Application deadline for international participants (on invitation only): June 5, 2024

Application window for students from Switzerland or a Swiss School abroad ended already!


June 15 –  22, 2024

With the «International Wildlife Research Week», Swiss Youth in Science (Schweizer Jugend forscht) offers young people from all over Europe an opportunity to discover alpine wildlife in Val Müstair (Canton of Graubünden). During one week, participants will work on a scientific research question and get to know the most important aspects of being a field biologist. They will learn how to define a research question, collect data in the field (alpine environment), do statistics, and present their findings in written and verbal form during the public closing event at the end of the week. The research week is supervised by four experienced biologists specializing in alpine flora and fauna. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to get a taste of being a researcher!

Il periodo di registrazione per questo evento è purtroppo scaduto.


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